General Contractors

Discover the winning strategy for general contractors: Location-based scheduling!

Boost Efficiency and Savings for General Contractors with Location-based Scheduling

For general contractors, the location-based method is win-win! There are no downsides. Converting a Gantt chart to a location-based schedule enables you to reduce your construction period by 10-20%. Reducing a 20-month construction period to a 16-month period will save you and your firm time and money. And – as a side benefit– this will also reduce your CO2 emissions significantly.

Just imagine what it would be like to reduce a 20-month project by four months, resulting in substantial cost savings for you and your firm. Not only that, but it also contributes to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, an additional climate benefit.

One of the key advantages of location-based scheduling is the early identification of critical issues, allowing for timely corrections to be made. Let’s consider a real-life example that demonstrates the power of this approach:
Imagine a subcontractor, specifically a plumber, who contacts the general contractor to request additional days per bathroom in connection with a large residential project. The general contractor appreciates the plumber’s proactive communication and is able to accommodate the request.

However, on analysing the updated data using location-based scheduling, they soon realise that granting this seemingly minor adjustment would delay the entire project by three months. So, the plumber’s request must be declined, unfortunately. Nevertheless, the plumber understands the reasoning behind the decision and agrees to increase the crew size instead.

This scenario exemplifies how location-based scheduling unveils unforeseen consequences which are difficult to anticipate with traditional Gantt charts.

Here are Four Major Benefits
for you

Boost Construction Efficiency
Location-based scheduling allows general contractors to reduce construction periods by as much as 10-20%, resulting in significant time savings and increased project efficiency.
A crane seen from below
Cost Savings and Climate Benefits
By implementing location-based scheduling, general contractors can save money by completing projects in shorter timeframes and also reduce CO2 emissions, contributing to a greener and more sustainable construction industry.
A person using Tactplan on the computer while drinking coffee
Early Issue Identification
Location-based scheduling enables the early detection of critical issues, allowing general contractors to address them promptly and avoid potential project delays or disruptions.
Unforeseen Consequences Revealed
Unlike traditional Gantt charts, location-based scheduling reveals the hidden effects of even minor adjustments. This helps general contractors make informed decisions and avoid unintended delays or complications during project execution.
Bricks crumbeling

Boost Efficiency and Savings

By embracing location-based scheduling, general contractors can maximise efficiency, save costs, reduce climate impact and make informed decisions to avoid project delays. So, take advantage of the transformative benefits this method has to offer! Please don’t take our word for it!

Three general contractors share what they know about location-based scheduling in a white paper which you can download for free. Learn why they think the method is often better than Gantt, how they implemented the technique and about the results they experienced.

Download the white paper: Location-based Scheduling – Best practice from three General Contractors

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Construction crew standing outside with a great overview of their plan