
We offer a product tailored to your specific requirements. Below, you'll find solutions ranging from small-scale renovations to extensive multi-year mega projects.

Price comparison

Find the pricing plan that fits you needs the best.

Free trial

The complete experience with a 14-day free trial.
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Takt time
and Location-based scheduling.
Request proposal


Everything for managing production on-site.
Request proposal


Onboard your
whole organisation.
Request proposal
Location-based scheduling
Takt time
Gantt CPM
Network diagram
14-day free trial
1 planner per. license
License per project or enterprise
Contact for options
Unlimited projects
Contact for options
Quantities per locations
Costs per locations
Free viewers*
Progress tracking per location
Control matrix
Mobile progress tracking app
Project role management
Standard dashboards
Optional custom dashboards
Optional external API

Price comparison

Find the pricing plan that fits you needs the best.

Free trial

The complete experience with a 14-day free trail.
This includes...
14-day access to all features in Tactplan Schedule
Demo to Tactplan Control
Demo to Tactplan Mobile
Try for free


Takt time
and Location-based scheduling.
This includes...
Location-based scheduling
Takt time planning
Project role management
Unlimited projects
Request proposal


Everything for managing production on-site.
This includes...
Progress tracking per location
Mobile progress tracking app
Advanced role management
Control matrix
Request proposal


Onboard your
whole organisation.
This includes...
Everything in Schedule plan
Everything in Control plan
Optional custom dashboards
Optional external API
Request proposal
1 on 1 meeting

Template for location based scheduling

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Become 20% Faster than your Competitors!

Get ahead of your competitors today, by utilizing Tactplan's scheduling features to optimize your time on-site. Get a free trial today and a personal introduction.
Construction crew standing outside with a great overview of their plan