Mobile Progress Tracking

The mobile app that connects the planned Location-based schedule with the actual work on site.
Hand holding a phone with Tactplan Mobile on it

Simple On-site Progress Reporting

To manage your construction project efficiently, you need continuous updates on progress. For maximum productivity, we have developed Tactplan Mobile, an app that enables on-site progress reporting on your phone or tablet. The progress reporting from Tactplan Mobile are instantly available in Tactplan Control, for live in-depth analysis of the status and health of the project overall progress.
We designed the Tactplan Mobile to be easy to use and navigate. You will find no excess features or distracting elements here. Instead, the app’s design fits people on the go and people who are tired of apps with too many buttons that are difficult to hit in the rain. In other words, it is a simple and intuitive tool for reporting progress. The app is easy to use because it contains no complex or unnecessary features.

Mobile Progress Tracking App

Tactplan Mobile app lets you register the current stage of your construction project and report progress while on the construction site. Implementing new digital tools on a construction project can be a headache. That is why our customers requested a simple and user-friendly solution for progress reporting. And this mobile app answers their needs. We have had enough apps for construction that require hours of training and we don’t see much point in developing apps for construction that you have to be an expert in IT to use. We designed Tactplan Mobile based on the concept "less is more."
Tactplan mockup with computer and phone

Features of Tactplan Mobile

Progress Reporting

Report percentage completed for the tasks on the different locations.

Progress Overview

Overview of progress broken down by location and task.

Photos & Comments

Add photos and comments directly to a task. This way, you will not have to leaf through countless e-mails, texts, and folders when you need something.

Contact Information

The Tactplan Control app has contact info on everyone who reports to the app or inspected a progress. Then you always know to whom you need to go for clarification.

Quantities per Location

See what quantities are associated with each activity and location. Coordinating materials and deliveries to specific locations will become much more accessible, saving the contractors time.

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The Comments & Constraints Feature

The mobile app has a built-in feature for collecting comments and constraints broken down by activity and location. When a sub-contractor registers progress on a task, they can attach photos or comments. Comments with their specific task and location will appear in Tactplan Control. If an area of the construction site has many comments, it might signal a general issue on the location and where you need to focus your efforts.
If something stops the sub-contractor from completing their task, they can register a constraint and its type. Then you know exactly whom to send to fix the problem. Was it a lack of materials? Over-crowding? Did the previous sub-contractor make a mistake? Tactplan Mobile provides smooth and effortless registration, collection, and reporting.

Making Lean Construction easier

In Lean construction, seven conditions are crucial for optimal workflow. Tacplan’s BI dashboards and Tactplan Mobile support Lean methods and the Last Planner System, categorizing constraints as: unfinished previous work, lack of space, counter-productive external factors, missing or poor-quality tools, machines, or materials, insufficient manning, and lack of information. Tacplan’s custom BI-dashboards and Tactplan Mobile facilitate Lean methods and the use of the Last Planner System®. The mobile app lets you categorize constraints according to the seven types.

It Really is that Simple

1) Select the task you are working on
2) Select the right location
3) Set the progress value to report an click "✔ Update"
...and you are done!

Got any Questions?

You can can always contact us at info@tactplan.com.
We check our inbox frequently.

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Construction crew standing outside with a great overview of their plan