Oskar Group - Impact Analyses with Location-based Scheduling

I could never do the impact analyses that promote good collaboration to such an extent with Gant

Impact analyses in construction – locationbased scheduling

This case is based on an interview with Theis Ballegaard, Project Manager and Construction site Manager for Oskar Group.

When they understand the method – they will quickly join

There are still some subcontractors who find it difficult to understand the diagonal lines, but these are now few and far between.

But if you just take the time to tell them about the method, they will quickly join.

And more people get an “aha experience” when they really understand the point of this type of planning.”

Consequential Analyses

It is also easier to talk to them about their queries. For example, it could be the carpenter who asks if he can have two more days on the 2nd floor. We can try to enter that into the schedule, and then we can see the consequence of that change. If that change has no derivative effects on the subsequent works, we can say yes to that change. I could never do the impact analyses that promote good collaboration to such an extent with Gantt.

Example with an Element Assembler

I once sat with an element fitter in connection with a terraced house project. He was late all the way through, and he would be further late.

There were factors at play that prevented us from doing anything.

In that situation, one is really better off with cylograms, which show exactly what consequence his work has for everyone else in the areas. At the same time, we could easily see which specific areas would be completed on time and which would be delayed.

This allowed us to easily redistribute the subsequent work, WITHOUT these having to depopulate the space (we just changed the order of their export).

If the carpenter is two days late, I can show him the consequence of his delay. It may well be that his work takes longer than expected, and it may be quite real, but the important exercise here is to show him the consequences.

Then the carpenter may have to play one more game in order to reach the deadline and not postpone the end date. And when I show the carpenter the consequence of the cutting edge, he can understand it. It is easy to visualize the consequence for him with cyclograms.

The same applies to changes in the schedule. As soon as the change is keyed in, I can see the consequences of those changes, and I can do the legwork to move around a bit and adjust so that the change does not affect the final delivery date.

Does the method only work with many repetitions?

A well-known caveat regarding location-based scheduling is that the method only works with many repetitions. But Theis doesn’t agree with that. In fact, he believes the contrary.

“You are forced to think about the different areas anyway. If you have a simple house building, and base the schedule solely on repetitions, you must assume that each location takes the same amount of time. But maybe the ground floor takes 9 days, the first floor takes 1 day, and the second floor takes 3 days. In practice, this means that the painter has to enter the ground floor before it is finished, and then the plan has already slipped.”

Buffer Activities

Finally, Theis has a very simple yet good tip for everyone who works with location-based scheduling.

He enters “Buffer Activity” in his schedule.

Buffer Activities are activities he continuously fits into his schedule.

These are “non-critical activities” that allow the craftsmen to come and go. The point of doing this in cyclograms is that the buffer activities do not get in the way of other activities.

“I work with buffer activities in my schedule. Something unexpected will always happen along the way – it cannot be avoided. It may be that, for example, the concrete workers are ahead of schedule.

We do not want them to start their work at a random location so that the planned rhythm of the subsequent work in the schedule is disturbed. Then it is better that they start at the buffer location, which has no dependencies.”

Impact analyses in construction – locationbased scheduling. Are you inspired to learn more?

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  3. See firsthand how this method can transform your project planning.

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If you want to learn more before reaching out, learn more about the method here.

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Kristian Birch Pedersen
CEO and Founder

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