Create tasks in Network Diagram in Tactplan

In this video you will learn how to create tasks in your network diagram in Tactplan.
April 9, 2024


This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

This video from Tactplan provides a step-by-step guide on how to add and customize tasks within the network diagram view, an essential tool for visually planning and managing tasks across multiple locations.

Key points include:

  • Adding Tasks: To add a task in the network diagram, the process starts with accessing the right-side menu where the task can be defined. This includes setting the task name, duration, and other pertinent details.
  • Customizing Task Appearance: Users have the option to customize the color of the task. This color setting will apply universally across all views within Tactplan, providing a consistent visual cue for the task wherever it appears.
  • Task Visibility Across Locations: By default, tasks added in the network diagram view appear in all locations. If necessary, users can adjust this by deselecting certain locations, tailoring task visibility to only relevant areas.
  • Adjusting Duration: When setting the task duration, Tactplan automatically distributes the time equally across all selected locations unless adjustments are specified. This feature ensures that task durations are balanced and reflect the project's needs accurately.
  • Saving Changes: It is crucial to save any changes made during the task creation and customization process to ensure that all modifications are applied and retained within the project.
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