Make tasks start as soon as possible in Tactplan

In this video you will learn how to make taskes start as soon as possible in Tactplan.
April 9, 2024


This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

This tutorial from Tactplan provides guidance on optimizing the start times of tasks within the platform, specifically focusing on setting tasks to begin "as soon as possible" based on their dependencies.

Key points include:

  • Identifying Late Starting Tasks: The tutorial starts by reviewing the schedule to identify tasks that begin later than necessary, using painting as an example.
  • Setting Tasks to Start ASAP: To adjust the start time, users can double-click on the task (in this case, painting) and configure it to start as soon as possible. This setting forces the task to commence immediately after its predecessor tasks are completed, without unnecessary delays.
  • Effect of the ASAP Setting: By applying the "as soon as possible" setting, the task's start time is optimized to occur right after its dependencies allow. This helps in reducing idle times and ensures that project timelines are as compact as possible.

This feature is particularly useful for project managers aiming to streamline project schedules and reduce the overall duration of the project by ensuring that each task begins at the earliest possible time once its prerequisites are met.

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