Version 1.0.10


  • Added a save button to the calendars so it saves together with the scheduler and automatically updates tasks accordingly. When you save, the data returns to the database, start- and end date is correct when Exicute gets the data.
  • Added schedule filter save function. It allows you to create filters that can be used by all users on the schedule. Click “Save new” to make a new filter.
  • Added a resource column to Gantt / Table views. This makes it possible to see which team is assigned which task.
  • It is now possible to copy a schedule from other organizations and projects.


  • Users of expired clients can now see all their projects / schedules as viewers after expiration. It will remember roles if set back to not expired. So you can now always go back and see or get data, which can come in handy for new projects.
  • Improved visual feedback in the Gantt and Table views for columns where the data does not exist on that task level. It shows fields as cursive, to give an understanding of task data.
  • Filtering out resources will remove these from the resource graph, even if it is still present on some tasks that have multiple resources.
  • We have removed the option to update schedule default calendar, as this was unstable and unnecessary.


  • Fixed several issues with checking permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where sync would fail if side menu was not locked.
  • Fixed some issues when using multiple calendars across all tasks.
  • Fixed some visual issues with the resource graph in Takt-Time view.
  • Fixed an issue with being able to select expired organizations when copying schedules.
  • Fixed an issue where resources weren’t retained when copying or splitting subtasks.
  • Fixed an issue when filtering certain states and when saving certain filter states.
  • Fixed an issue with calendar not applying correctly after changing location level.
  • Fixed an issue where internal buffer was not included in schedule copy.
  • Fixed an issue with store override function not working with filter on.
  • Fixed an issue where overlapping resources were not included in calculations.
  • Fixed an issue with filtering resources/suppliers in network diagram, and improved performance of all filtering in network diagram.
  • Fixed an issue with locations not updating in filter panel.
  • Fixed an issue with selecting tasks in Gantt view.
  • Fixed an issue with locations in side panel not updating.
  • Fixed an issue that would lock the location tab in side menu.
  • Fixed an issue where location level would not update in add button.
  • Fixed an issue with data on network diagram nodes not being updated properly.
  • Fixed an issue with task not removing highlight/selection.
  • Fixed a bug with supplier table breaking on sorting country.
  • Fixed an issue when saving empty strings on resources or supplier dialogs.
  • Fixed some issues with searching in resource and supplier tables.
  • Fixed an issue with updating certain fields in resources in the side menu.

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