It is now possible to activate dependency mode in the flowline view, this will allow for seeing dependencies for selected tasks and for drag creating new dependencies between tasks.
Drag and move has been enabled for flowline view, works the same way as in Takt time view.
Branching and copying performance has been increased, and users no longer have to wait for the entire duration of copying a schedule. Instead a schedule will be set to status "copying" and will inaccessible until it is fully completed. The schedule will automatically be set as ready whenever it is accessible, there should be no need to refresh the window. If a copy should fail for any reason it is possible to either delete/retry this copy from this new "inactive" schedule.
Added a buffer on either side of the schedule to allow for a better view of tasks close to the start or end of a schedule.
Updated logic for selection when right clicking tasks, if the task that is clicked is already among the selected tasks it will no longer deselect the other tasks (ctrl was required before for this action). If a task that is not among the selected task is right clicked then only this new task will be selected unless ctrl is held down.
Improved selection of tasks when drag dropping and drag resizing. Should now be easier to drag tasks that are not already selected prior to dragging or resizing.
Fixed some instances where a schedule would still be locked if exiting the schedule before it is fully loaded.
Fixed an issue when dragging and dropping locations in the task details menu and deleting/adding location tasks at the same time.
Fixed an issue to how milestones are displayed when collapsing locations that they are apart of.
Fixed an issue with selecting tag filters, when searching for specific tags.
[Hotfix 24/10] Fixed an issue with grid import not always finding all correctly available locations.
[Hotfix 25/10] Fixed an issue with timeline not remembering the correct place to go to when going between views.
[Hotfix 25/10] Fixed an issue with resetting location task orders for many subtasks at once.
[Hotfix 28/10] Fixed an issue with clients and seats not updating properly when making changes, until page refresh.
[Hotfix 30/10] Fixed an issue with task names on Network Diagram View when the name includes "&"
[Hotfix 31/10] Fixed an issue with lines on resource graph appearing 1px wrong, sometimes.
[Hotfix 31/10] Fixed an issue with new codes not being applied to existing filters.
[Hotfix 1/11] Fixed an issue with name, code and color not showing correctly in the side menu when undoing changes to the fields.
[Hotfix 8/11] Fixed an issue with task validation when total subtask duration is 0.
[Hotfix 11/11] Updated so that the app refuses to open a schedule instead of opening an "empty" schedule if a circular dependency should be found on load.
[Hotfix 13/11] Fixed an issue with the app crashing if an error occurred while inviting users to a project
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